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الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2016

كتاب Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook

Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook

Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook

Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook

من اهم   انظمة  مكافحة الحريق   نظام  الاطفاء  بواسطة  الرشاشات  Sprinkler   والنظام  ده  بيتقسم  تقسيمات  كتير  حسب  التطبيق   يعني  بنلاقي

1-  النظام الرطب
2- النظام  الجاف
3- نظام الغمر  الكلي
4- النظام  سابق  التفعيل

ويمكن  اننا  نقسمه  حسب  نوع شبكة المواسير  فنلاقي

1- نظام  الشجره
2- نظام  grid
3- نظام  loop

ومن  اهم  مكونات  النظام  ده
1- مضخة الحريق
2-  محبس  الكنترول
3- شبكة المواسير
4- الرشاشات
5- مجموعة المحابس

من افضل  الكتب  الي بتشرح النظام  هو  الكتاب الي معانا النهارده  وهو  كتاب

Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook


The first automatic fire extinguishing system on record was patented in England in 1723 and consisted of a cask of water, a chamber of gunpowder, and a system of fuses. In about 1852, the perforated pipe system represented the first form of a sprinkler system used in the United States. In
1874, Henry S. Parmelee of New Haven, Connecticut, patented the first practical automatic sprinkler.
C. J. H. Woodbury of the Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company and F. E. Cabot of the Boston Board of Fire Underwriters completed a study on the performance of sprinklers for the Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Company in 1884. This study was the basis for the first set of rules for the installation of automatic sprinkler systems that were developed by John Wormald of the Mutual
Fire Insurance Corporation of Manchester, England, in 1885. In 1887, similar rules were prepared in the United States by the Factory Improvement Committee of the New England Insurance Exchange.By 1895, the commercial growth and development of sprinkler systems were so rapid that a number of different installation rules had been adopted by various insurance organizations.
Within a few hundred miles of Boston, Massachusetts, nine radically different standards for the size of piping and sprinkler spacing were being used. This problem led to the creation of NFPA 13 and the formation of the National
Fire Protection Association in 1896. In many respects, the issues that led to the development
of the first edition of NFPA 13 are relevant today. The unprecedented development of sprinkler system products, design techniques, and installation practices over the past several years is offering numerous options for effective system design. While this increased flexibility provides numerous
advantages, it also requires more diligence by those designing, installing, and approving sprinkler systems as the rules for various system components become less uniform.
As has been the case for more than 100 years, the intent of NFPA 13 is to provide a means for analyzing sprinkler system information and presenting it in a form that will lead to effective system designs and installations. This task continues to become increasingly demanding as scientific and other discoveries generate information at an increasingly accelerated rate. In response to these challenges, in 1997 NFPA expanded the scope of NFPA 13 so that it became the most comprehensive document addressing sprinkler systems.
NFPA 13 addresses sprinkler system installations for all types of facilities regardless of the type of fire hazards present. NFPA 13 contains sprinkler system design and installation information from more than 40 NFPA codes and standards.
As the scope of NFPA 13 has expanded, so has that of the Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook. This 11th edition includes new and updated commentary on the protection of three new special storage arrangements in Chapter 20 and new shelf storage arrangements.Other major changes in the 11th edition include revisions to the density/area curves for the protection of storage
occupancies and the combining of large drop sprinkler and the specific application control mode sprinkler information and revising the terminology to now identify them as control
mode specific application sprinklers (CMSA).
In Chapter 9, a number of changes occurred regarding sway bracing of sprinkler systems, including the introduction of new zone of influence tables for Schedule 5 steel pipe, CPVC, and Type M copper tube. The basis of the values in these tables is described in a new Annex E.
To continue to correlate with SEI/ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
NFPA 13 has adopted the SEI/ASCE approach to converting strength design to allowable stress design, which is further detailed in Chapter 9, Annex E, and the related commentary. Other significant changes include those for calculating the rack shelf area. In addition, the handbook includes updated commentary on those portions of NFPA 13 that have been revised. Also, there are three new supplements intended to provide up-to-date information on sprinkler statistics, new and on-going sprinkler system research, as well as an international perspective on fire sprinkler technology and installation experience. Another new supplement included in
 his edition highlights the major code changes in NFPA 13


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